Changes for 2011/12
The lecture arrangements will be broadly similar to 2010-11, except that the
lasers and optics courses will be shortened and a new course on quantum optics,
taught by Vlatko Vedral, will be introduced. Arrangements for classes will
change substantially; please see the classes page for
a few more details.
The times and venues of the C2 lectures can be found in the lecture database;
note that the MT pattern changes in quite a complex way! It is planned to
distribute the material according to the schedule given below, with three
lectures in each week except in H3 (2 lectures) and T3 (1 lecture).Michaelmas Term:
- Week 1: Quantum information
- Week 2: Quantum information
- Week 3: Optics & Lasers (L1, L2, O1)
- Week 4: Optics & Lasers (L3, O2, O3)
- Week 5: Optics & Lasers (O4, L4, L5)
- Week 6: Optics & Lasers (L6, L7, O5)
- Week 7: Non-linear optics (N1, N2 N3)
- Week 8: Quantum Computation
Hilary Term:
- Week 1: Quantum computation
- Week 2: Quantum optics
- Week 3: Quantum optics
Trinity Term:
- Week 1: Quantum communication
- Week 2: Quantum communication
- Week 3: Quantum communication
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